Walt Disney said, “Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world.” That quote can seemingly be applied to an assistive note-taking project that Bucknell computer engineering major Maddy Kalaigian ’26 is working on alongside Prof. Stu Thompson.
Engineering Summer 2023 Research Update: Kelsey Boyle ’24
Like many Bucknell engineers, Kelsey Boyle ’24, biomedical engineering, is trying to make the world a better place through her research. She, along with guidance from Prof. Olivia Boerman, is spending her summer investigating how gene expression along with the use of ultrasound technology impacts the healing of chronic wounds with hopes it can eventually lead to better treatment.
Engineering Summer 2023 Research Update: Hung Ngo ’26
Hung Ngo ’26, computer science and engineering, learned so much during his first year at Bucknell. He became proficient in Swift programming language, learned about augmented reality kits to build AR-powered apps and became educated about the topics of machine learning and deep learning.
Engineering Summer 2023 Research Update: Victoria Burek ’26
You are likely part of coffee’s third wave of consumption. What started out as simply drinking Folgers or another mass-market coffee at home and evolved to the Dunkin’ drive thru or a complicated Starbucks order is now at a stage where consumers are emphasizing high-quality coffee.